Venha melhorar a sua comercialização com Fernando Muraro e convidados do Brasil, Argentina, EUA e China.

Brazilian soybean farmers had finished an estimated 20% of their planting as of Thursday, according to agricultural consultancy AgRural. That’s slightly ahead of the 19% five-year average for the date, but well behind the 29% on the same date last year. Irregular rains in Brazil’s breadbasket center-south region are still slowing work in the fields, with 27% of planting in Mato Grosso state finished, compared with 47% last year, AgRural said. Some farmers in the region are saying they might need to start over again in some areas, though its too early to say how big those areas might be, according to the consultancy. Brazil is the world’s second-biggest soybean producer, after the U.S. (

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