Enormous Exports of Brazil’s Soybeans Spurred by Speedy Harvest – Bloomberg
Brazil’s swift soybean harvest means exports in February probably will rise to a record for the month, even as the U.S. boosts oilseed shipments
Brazil’s swift soybean harvest means exports in February probably will rise to a record for the month, even as the U.S. boosts oilseed shipments
Soybean production cut to 112.5 mmt after hot, dry January Irregular rains and above-than-normal temperatures throughout January resulted in a new cut in
Brazil’s soybean production will fall short of a record in the 2018-2019 growing season because of hot, dry weather in the states of
The lack of moisture in some Brazilian states might result in less soybeans and maize in 2018 Brazilian farmers, especially in central states, have